Newsletter #34 - June 2022

J.M. + J.T.

Dear Auxiliary Family,

Happy Eastertide greetings to all of you!

The entrance to the new Rosary Walk.

We’re so close to Ascension Thursday (which is when we still keep it up here) – so close to our silent prayer time before the solemnity of Pentecost – that it’s time to reach out to everyone and give greetings before disappearing into the Cenacle with Mary and the apostles. You can be sure that we’re taking all of you there with us, to bring your needs before the Lord when we greet Him every day.

Many of you came up for the work day in April, and you made a name for yourselves besides Paul Bunyan and St. Francis (what a pair!) for efficient grounds management and ecologically sound window washing! Thank you for your “spirit-filled” endeavors and for your subsequent enthusiasm about the wood piles by our front gate. We’re going to mill the trees into logs, and use them for building/repair projects. The Rosary Walk is taking shape under the inspiration of Patty MacEgan and Henry Luckie. It should be lovely when completed. Our chaplain, Fr. Ryan, is looking forward to being able to try it out on his afternoon ambulations.

Thanks to your care and love, we feel well taken care of, and are extremely grateful for your attention and response to our needs. We can only repay you by prayer, which we offer for all of you daily, with a Mass for your intentions once a month. May God bless and keep you, and may the Spirit’s coming at Pentecost fill you with burning love and joy!

Your grateful Carmelites of Georgetown, Mother Mary Bethany and Sisters

Auxiliary News

Announcing another WORK DAY: Saturday, July 9. We need people to spread bark around the back side of the Monastery, within the enclosure. They are buying more bark in June, and it needs to be raked into place. Can you give us a day on July 9? Please email me. The last work day was tremendously successful. Thank you to all the folks who helped on that day in April. We hope to get a dozen folks to rake this bark into place, and our work will be done for this year.

If you come up to the Monastery, you will see some changes. PG&E has had lumber crews working on Fox Run Road which leads into Teresian Way where the Monastery is located. The woods were thick along this road, and PG&E did not want any trees to fall on their electric lines, so logging has been going on for many weeks on Fox Run Road. The Sisters allowed the company to stack their cut trees in the lower parking area to the left of their drive as you enter the property.

Once you come through their gate, if you look to the right, you will see the driveway for Father Ryan’s house. On the far right is a grotto, with a beautiful crucifix, and to the right of the Crucifix is the beginning of the Rosary Walk.

Henry Luckie has done an incredible job of preparing the Rosary Walk. With his grandson, they raked the path and laid the stone markers for the Hail Mary’s and the Our Father’s. He even found a larger irregularly shaped stone for the “medal”. The area is still a bit rough, with some downed trees and branches about, but it is shady with the tall pine trees, and quiet, and Henry has placed some benches along the path for a rest. Please enjoy this Rosary Walk if you drive up this summer!

In the winter, I will purchase some dogwood trees to plant along the fence line and under the canopy, so that they can add to the beauty of the Rosary Walk. I read that dogwood trees have some religious significance, and they are always lovely when they bloom in the Springtime.

The Quilting group has begun meeting to prepare this year’s quilt for the next Luncheon, which will be on February 11, 2023. If you are interested in joining the quilting group, please email me. This quilt will have some appliqué to it, so if you like that kind of work, let us know!

Finally, the Sisters can always use things like toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, or cleaning supplies. If you want to donate anything, Amazon and UPS will deliver to their address at 6981 Teresian Way, Georgetown, 95634. The Sisters continue to appreciate your monthly monetary donations; you literally keep the lights on for them!

Also, we are always hoping to get more people to tie chaplet rosaries for our Holy Face kits. Please let me know if you would be able to help with this; our Holy Face Kits continue to be popular on the Web!

Blessings to you all for Pentecost; may the Holy Spirit fill you with zeal for our faith and love of the Lord. Have a safe and “cool” summer!

In Christ,
Patty MacEgan

Patricia MacEgan