Newsletter #37 - March 2023


Dear Auxiliary friends and all other friends of Mary,

February Blizzard at the Monastery

 It is snowing up here in Georgetown on the evening of Ash Wednesday, but we nuns are toasty warm from the love shown to us by all of you.  Those of you who prepared the spaghetti luncheon on February 11th, or those of you who attended it, are like so many extra family members to us.  Many of you supported us without attending, through ticket purchases, donations, and prayers.  Thank you one and all!  Just as Our Lady appeared to Bernadette on February 11th in 1858, she “appeared” again in 2023 through your dedication, energy, commitment, and generosity.  Thank you to the Knights of Columbus, to St. Mel’s for the use of its parish hall, to Henry Luckie, Alma Cortez, the MacEgans, the Kauffmans, to all of you whose contribution made the day a success – and to our dear chaplain, Fr. William Ryan, for showing up and bringing a little extra Irish twinkle to the day!

 Now we embark upon our Lenten journey, setting out for Jerusalem like Jesus did.  The world is torn by wars, violence, and division, but we know the Evil One has been overcome, and Our Lord holds the keys to death and hell.  Keep your eyes on Him, and don’t get distracted by the diversionary tactics of Satan!  His battle heats up because he knows he’s losing.  The Sisters and I pray for all of you, and we beg your prayers for us too, that we may be the best, holiest Carmelites that He wants.  May we all sing “Alleluia” together at the dawning of Easter Sunday – amen!

 Your grateful Carmelites in Georgetown,

Mother Mary Bethany and Sisters

Auxiliary News

Friends, I apologize for being tardy in getting this letter to you. We are still in the midst of our Lenten journey, and I hope your Lenten experience has been fruitful. We have all had the fallout from storms to deal with: torrential rain, hail, wind, and snow. Some flooding and broken trees also! I hope you have been safe!

As you may know, the luncheon was a tremendous success. There were 200 people in attendance, and it was  a sold-out event. Since they have had to pay for tree removals, extra propane, and snow removal, as well as their regular maintenance issues, the money you donated has come in handy, and in a timely way. I really am humbled, and grateful for your generosity.

Next year it is likely that the venue for the luncheon will be moved, but we are not sure where it will be yet. While your Board Members are researching that, we ask for your prayers. The date of the luncheon will be in the Spring next year, but not on Valentine’s Day, which will be Ash Wednesday.

St. Mel’s has been a terrific host for us for four straight years, and we are very, very grateful to St. Mel’s. If we end up returning there next year, so much the better. But it is also nice to spread out around the Diocese, and not overdo our welcome at any one venue. After all, the Carmelites are here for us all!

I want to encourage you to continue your regularly scheduled donations to the Sisters, however small. They really need those regular monthly donations that some of you make, and always put them to immediate use. Thank you for continuing in that donation.

We had been contemplating holding another Prayer on the Mountain event soon, with a focus on the Holy Face Devotion. We don’t have a date yet. More on that later.  Remember that you can pick up a Holy Face kit from us. Please just email us if you want to order one. To learn more about the Devotion to the Holy Face, please visit our websites.

We wish you a holy and productive last two weeks of Lent and a joyous Easter!

In Christ,

Patty MacEgan

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Auxiliary

Patricia MacEgan